We hold annual conferences to bring together our members and guests, clergy and laity, to learn from and share the experiences of having responsibility for visitor engagement and education. Representatives from members of Cathedrals Plus as well as any non-member organisations or individuals are welcome to attend if they have a role in visitor welcome and learning for adults or children, or manage events at any cathedral, abbey, minster, greater church, or any large place of Christian worship or sacred place. Our conferences run for 3 days, and include accommodation for 2 nights and full-board throughout your stay.
NB. There is also an option to attend daily, without the residential element.

The 2025 Annual Conference was hosted by Peterborough Cathedral in January, with nearly 80% of our members attending. The feedback received was extremely positive, with all members enthralled and inspired by our workshops, visiting speakers and time to network with colleagues across the country. The conference report and programme for 2025 can each be downloaded by clicking on the images below. Also, a summary of each of the 2025 talks given by our Keynote Speakers can be viewed on the links in the conference blog here.

Contact us if you have any questions about attending any of our conferences.


Click on the image below to read our 2024 conference report.