About the Church


For over 900 years a haven of peace and a place of prayer. One of England’s loveliest Cathedrals, with Royal tombs, medieval cloisters, an ancient crypt, and magnificent stained glass.


Built by St Wulstanin 1084 the beautifully restored Crypt is now a Chapel of Unity. The round Chapter House, Cloisters and Refectory bear witness to our long monastic history. The Nave shows clearly the architectural development from Norman through Transitional, Early English and Decorated to Perpendicular. The Victorian restoration work and glass is of the highest quality.


King John of England and Prince Arthur, brother of Henry VIII are buried here and Sir Edward Elgar is commemorated in the Gerontius window. There is a permanent exhibition on the Worcester Pilgrim, and St Wulstan’s Cathedral.

Links & Contact Details

Phone Number: +44 1905 732 900

Contact Email: info@worcestercathedral.org.uk



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