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The main event organised by Cathedrals Plus is an Annual Conference for our members, usually lasting three days. It takes place in a Cathedral City or where there is sufficient accommodation and space for both plenary sessions and smaller seminars or workshops. It brings together both clergy and laity who have responsibility for the care of Visitors and Education. Outside speakers are invited in order to stimulate discussion and there is time for informal exchanges amongst delegates and networking to share best practice and new ideas.


In addition to the conferences, communication amongst members is conducted through regional meetings, a newsletter, social media, and the website, as well as one-to-one contacts made through attendance at conferences and through the internet. Advice on practical matters is also disseminated through the Secretary.

A Pressure Group

Although non-political the association is able, through the support and makeup of its membership, to act as a pressure group on education and visitor engagement in heritage sites. It has taken part in consultation on both tourism and education related topics with Government and other national bodies. It has also been involved in the Government’s review of Heritage Policies. It is represented on the Attractions’ Forum which meets under the auspices of VisitBritain and works with partner organisations on environmental and sustainable practice.