Day 2…
Well, yesterday was marvellous! I cannot express how wonderful it has been to see old colleagues (who are now good friends!) and meet new ones – in person once again. We have been warmly welcomed by the interim Dean of Worcester and our Cathedrals Plus Chair Canon Jane Brooke, inspired by the Bishop with his anecdotes and insights on Working Together, forming and nurturing Sustainable Partnerships, enthralled by the guides’ tours of the cathedral, amazed by the artwork of Jacqui Parkinson and the Threads Through Faith displays, and surprisingly moved and actually stunned, by a powerful performance of the Passion by LAMPS group yesterday evening.
Today, after a frosty walk to the cathedral, we look forward to spending time in our regional group hubs, listening to guest speakers from a range of partner organisations, engaging in a panel discussion on our theme, touring the city, entertained by a talk by our sponsors EIG (Ecclesiastical Insurance Group) – and all of that is followed by attending Evensong for those who choose, our AGM, and then our GALA dinner in the Chapter House! It’s a very packed schedule … and everyone is smiling and ready!
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