The final day of our Annual Conference was equally enthralling and inspiring as the previous two! A practical sharing session of resources led by Diana Ives of Southwell Minster provided further top tips for creating engaging activities; Four different workshops to attend led by cathedral staff in their sector of interest (Community Engagement, Challenging History, Climate & Ecology, 3-Choirs Events); followed by a thought-provoking Key Note speech by Peter Walker, Sculptor, Artist & Designer focussing on his personal reflections on art and its meaning, and how art might be understood or received by viewers/visitors.

Gathering feedback from delegates was key to the Council’s follow-up and evaluation of the conference and we are grateful to everyone for attending, presenting and sharing their experiences and ideas with others during our time together. Jackie, our Secretary, will prepare the Conference Report and we will post this as a blog shortly. Thank you and we look forward to reading your comments here, and meeting you again soon!
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