We’re really excited about our annual conference starting today in Worcester! We’ve been busy working with Dan, Jo and the team at Worcester to prepare for the packed programme, and spent yesterday afternoon in the Old Bishop’s Palace stuffing delegate goodie bags with hand-outs and of course a map to help you find your way around!

Our theme this year is Working Together: sustainable partnerships. The programme begins with a welcome and introduction to our theme by the Right Reverend John Inge, Lord Bishop of Worcester, followed by guided tours of the cathedral for all our delegates, then Jacqui Parkinson will speak on ‘Threads Through Faith’.
Next, before our evening meal, we will experience the LAMPS dramatic performance of the Passion (LAMPS is an acronym for Love, Action, Music, Poetry and Stories).
Our conference is a marvellous opportunity for us to network and support each other, all the visitor engagement and education & learning roles working in sacred spaces. This is the first 3-day conference we’ve held since before the Pandemic so we’re doubly delighted to be gathering together with friends and colleagues once again.
Have you been to a Cathedrals Plus conference before? What was your favourite activity? Speaker?

Worcester is such a beautiful city, the cathedral is glorious, and we’ve met some very friendly and helpful people on our first day here. Watch this blog for daily updates, and if you’re on your way here – we can’t wait to see you!

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