The Cathedrals Plus Council regrets to announce the recent passing, after a short illness, of one of its most loyal and long-serving members. Barry Palmer had served as our Honorary Treasurer for many, many years. Thanks to him, and before the Zoom era, our Council meetings often took place at Westminster’s Catholic Cathedral, with which Barry had strong connections. In this photograph, Barry can be seen outside its impressive façade.
All of us who were fortunate enough to have worked with Barry will remember him as a gentle, kindly and warm individual who contributed quietly but effectively in Council meetings. He looked after the group’s finances very punctiliously and even managed to make the annual accounts seem accessible and clear. When he retired in 2021, he took care and diligence to ensure a professional and smooth hand over to our current Honorary Treasurer, Tony Austin.
Barry will be greatly missed by the Cathedrals Plus community. Many former colleagues have expressed their sadness.Our thoughts and prayers go to Barry’s family.
May Barry rest in peace and rise in glory…

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